Expect a diverse program with action, lectures, workshops, concerts and much more! If you want to offer something, please read the call for events (pdf). You may also want to send it to other people. To get all the important information about your event, we have created a questionnaire (odt), which you please send to choreo-nbc[at] If you want to send the working group responsible for organizing the program an encrypted mail, use the pgp-key below.
Airport Action on 21st of July
Against deportations to Kosovo, Serbia and Macedonia and elsewhere ! Stop deportation charter to Nigeria – abolish FRONTEX! Air Berlin has to stop doing business with deportations ! Demonstration on saturday, 21th of July 2012 – 12.30 p.m. meeting point: main-line station “Düsseldorf Flughafen” demonstration to the departure terminal, ending with a big ralley and performances The airport Düsseldorf is a place of shame: it has become a hub for the charter deportations which are significantly organzied by FRONTEX. Thousands of people have been deported from here in the past years. The majority of deportation charter from Düsseldorf flies to Belgrad and Pristina. Those, who are by force brought out of the country are mainly Roma, who as a so-called “poverty population” are by all means possible prevented from finding better possibilities of survival. Many of the deportations are carried out by airplanes from Air Berlin. This evonomically very poor airline has for years been the one to be chosen to organize almost all deporations to Ex-Yogoslavia organized by FRONTEX and is making good money with this inhuman practice. The second big target group are nigerian refugees and migrants. Deportations to Nigeria account for about half of all European wide coordinated deporation flights. Is is not by coincidence that the country with the largest population in Africa gets in the focus of racist strategies of division: Those who are not usable and therefore superfluous get deproted – a logic which does not least point to the global expoitation divide. Many succeed again and again – by being persistent and with the help of others – to take a stand against their own deportations. Many of us have witnessed deportations of friends and acquaintances. We have struggled together. Often with success, but sometimes we have not m succeeded to prevent this horror which has become a daily routine. On the 21th of July we return to the airport Düsseldorf as deportation airpont. For one day this place of shame will change to be a protest zone of resistance against the regime of deportation and its actors. For a short time we want to take the scare of the airport, by living up for a short moment another Europe of global solidariy. We will confront the actors of deportation with their inhuman deeds. We will stand up together – self-organized refugees, Roma initiatives and other activists. We will use this day in order to take a deep breath. Fot the long wind which we will need in order to make the societal ciceumstandes to dance. Everyone who is here is from here ! Those who want to stay shall stay ! For a Europe of welcome and solidarity ! Vakti te Ushten! It’s time to stand up ! Es ist Zeit aufzustehen ! Come all ! Bring your own actions and contributions ! Activists from: Abschiebestop Düsseldorf, Alle Bleiben!, Afrique Europe Interact, Bündnis YAG Bari, Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, Karawane für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen, Noborder Camp Köln, Romane Romnja Köln e.V., Roma Trial Berlin e.V., Roma Stimmen Bielefeld e.V., Rom e.V. Köln, The Voice Refugee Forum, Welcome to Europe Network, Roma Center Göttingen e.V. The demonstration is the central finishing-action of the NoBorder-Camp, which takes place in Cologne from the 13th – 22th July. Everybody is very welcome to camp together already in the previous week, to do action and to discuss in workshops. More information about No’Border Camp Köln Düsseldorf:
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